Every species including human being seek survival and existence of their legacy through bringing new lives to earth. Bringing new life is perhaps very easy but raising them as survivor is challenging. Majority of us want to raise their next generation as good and successful being, but a significant portion fail in doing so. Despite all the challenges, for our children make the world a better place so that our children emerge as better human being than us. That is our responsibility.
Table of Contents
The World is Falling Apart
The world is falling apart and it is more fragile than ever before. ‘Falling apart!’. Despite being at the epitome of science and technology, developments and discoveries, the rise of AI, the latest gadgets, e-services, and everything, how can someone be so audacious to claim this! Because we are becoming less human every day. We are disconnecting ourselves from the precious one and intricating our lives for illusion. With the increased ‘screen time’ we are forgetting the value of ‘people/ human time’. We are investing billions for the weapon of mass destruction but cannot provide basic essentials. We have more refugees than at any other time in history. We inculcate hatred and despise love. As a whole, we have lost humility, mutual respect, trust, belongingness, patience, and almost every virtue we can think of.
Yes, there are positive(!) stories too. We have probably the highest number of motivational speakers than ever before; perhaps it’s a good business now. We have AI, who can predict and manipulate humans without even letting humans know. No doubt Facebook’s AI or Google’s AI knows more about me than I or my parents know. We have the highest number of researchers and researches to find happiness, to acquire patience, and to calm our minds. Yet, unfortunately, we have the highest number of unhappy people around, more people are taking their own lives than at any time before and we have a suicide forest for that. Cases of depression are rising every day, mental health has become a serious issue these days, and so many other things worth mentioning.
Unfortunately, big corporations led by ‘hackable humans’ are profiting from these positive miseries even. Yuval Noah Harari has elaborately described how we’re being hacked every moment by the corporations, agencies, and governments.
No doubt, the world will get messier in the days to come. Today, where I am standing now, probably is a better place than what our children will encounter many years from now. I am not sure if Harari’s ’21 Lessons for the 21st Century’ would be of any help for my daughters or not, but I am certain they will have tremendous challenges than what I have faced. On top of all which are mentioned above carbon emission, climate changes, food security, employment crisis, etc are icing on the cake of impending disaster.
Arrival of Aliyah Binte Saif Rupontee

… And despite all of these, together we have brought new life on Earth. On 06 August 2020, we have been blessed with a baby girl and we named her ‘Aliyah Binte Saif Rupontee’. Arwaa; my elder daughter is super excited to have her sister. We are excited and happy too. Seeing them both growing gives us divine happiness. Despite all the good feelings I carry, often I ask myself; ‘what should I do now for making my daughters’ life better?’ Then I realized, I cannot do anything for our children till we all humans think collectively for all the children selflessly as Kahlil Gibran said:
‘Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.’
My Promises to Make the World a Better Place
Today, when I look back, I see myself as a taker only. Certainly, being a taker, my realization will not make any impact, unless I turn myself into a giver and give profoundly. I strongly believe, my life has a bigger purpose than just eating, sleeping, going to offices, paying bills, covering others’ messes, etc. Maybe all these years, I was not aware of my purpose but, now I feel like, I know it. I have to make this world a better place for the future of our children, all the children on earth. I am confident about the commitment because I know, Tahsin Reza and we all will be a good team. She is an endless source of inspiration and energy for me in breaking the norms and trying my gut.
I am not sure, if this proclamation is too audacious or not, but I am certain some of us have to do it. We cannot let our children rot in a world we are going to have unless we bring change. Let this change start from anywhere, at any point, at any scale.
Change Begins from You to Make the World a Better Place
Let the change begin with holding my daughter for the first time wrapped with the National Flag. Let the change begin with sending a tree instead of sweets to celebrate the arrival of Rupontee.